Sarah 22nd June 2020

I’ll always remember how soft your hands were, whenever you took my hand and said ‘hello dear’ in your lovely kind voice, every time we met. I’ll always remember when we wheeled you into hospital to visit June in what were to be her final days. As soon as we entered the room your eyes locked and June’s hand reached out for yours until you were beside her and you could see how much you loved each other. After so long and at such an age to still see your love for each other was such a wonderful thing and a moment I shall cherish witnessing. When I first met June she told me that, ‘the smith way’ was to embarrass you in public and I’ve certainly learned that to be the case :) Baby smith is due in 22 days and I promise we’ll make you proud. I’m so sorry I can’t be there this week. I will miss you. Rest in peace, Grandad x