I have known Tom through All Saints church. He was always someone who got things done. He would see a need, and get things organised. He was good at involving others to make things happen (sometimes people whose only connection with church was their friendship with Tom). I recall an incident soon after Revd. Jeffery Whale’s arrival in the parish when a group of us had been gathered together by Tom to sand down and make good the damage done to the choir vestry floor by the hall builders. When Jeffery came in, he greeted us all, but there was one chap he did not recognise so he asked him, “I know these others, but which church do you attend?” The chap replied, “I don’t come to church, I’m a friend of Tom’s from the Allotment Association.” Jeffery replied, “I knew that I had three parishes, but I think that I have a fourth – the Allotment Association!”. During Revd. Jeffery Whale’s time as Rector, he and Tom worked well together on a number of projects –the new hall was built just before Jeffery’s installation in the parish and together they saw it established as an effective community hall, Tom oversaw the installation of the kitchen and toilets and the installation of the performance platform in the Parish Church enabling its use as a venue for concerts, etc, also the construction of the children’s corner at All Saints. He was a dedicated worker for the church serving on (and many times leading) various committees, though he always said that he was a man of simple faith. He was a true friend; I shall miss his wise counsel. Mike Bailey